Bloemen-flowers Alyogyne huegelii

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4451 ReviewsKiyoh
Product information
  • Article number: ALYHUE02

Alyogyne huegelii is a easy tub plant and a real flower champion it will provide you with a rich flowering from April to October.
If you have a lot of wind on your terrace, this will not inhibit the flowering as well as a rain shower does not matter to him either.

This tub plant is very similar in bloom to the Hibiscus and Blue ornamental wind, but with the distinction that the blue malva from the spring until well after the end of the summer continues to bloom.
The violet-colored flowers bloom almost one week after which they have already blossomed, but the new buds open again in the meantime.
With the blue malva you are always guaranteed flowers on your terrace.

Regular pouring but not too wet is fine, every 3 weeks a small amount of food in the form of cow manure pellets.
the leaves are dark green, rather thick and feel somewhat felty.
If pruning is desired, do this best after flowering sometime in October.
The Alyogyne huegelii does not like to be too wet if it cools during the winter, it is better to wet than dry.
if you use potting soil, please keep it well drained and may be sandy.
Overwintering at a temperature around + 10 ° C then the tub plant remains wintergreen.
Winter hardiness zone 11 (+ 5ºC).

  • Article number: ALYHUE02
  • Minimum temperature: +5ºC
  • Location: Sunny, light shade
  • Soil type: No special requirements
  • Water requirement: Light damp
  • Full ground:
  • Tub plant:
  • Flowering period: 5-9
  • Origin / habitat: South-West Australia (Coast regions)
  • Growth rate: Normal
  • Maximum plant height: 100/150 cm
Jozef L.
Jozef L.Posted on May 29, 2016 19:25

De alyogyne lijkt een plant die moeilijk is. Maar nee hoor, ondanks zijn tere uiterlijk is het een sterke plant die, als hij eenmaal bloeit, de ene bloem na de andere produceert. Hij kan tegen droogte. Houdt van zon en warmte.

Een ideale plant waar je weinig omkijken naar hebt, en al je bezoekers stil doet staan.

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Bloemen-flowers Alyogyne huegelii
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  • Shipping in 2 to 4 business days