Eetbare tuin-edible garden Casimiroa edulis - White zapote

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Product information
  • Article number: CASEDU01

Casimiroa edulis or white zapote also bears good fruit in our climate. From the breeding stage, the first fruits can be harvested after 2 to 3 years. (Our plants are already fruit bearing).
The fruits are green in color and about 10/12 cm in diameter.
The skin tastes bitter, but the flesh is soft and white / yellow and tastes fresh to banana / peach, sweet contains 27% sugar and is rich in vitamin AC.

The Aztecs used these delicious fruits as a food source.
The bark, leaf and the kernel of the fruit were used. This contains the substance glucoside casimirosine which works as a sedative in large doses.
It has been claimed that pulling tea from the leaf causes sleep within an hour.

The blossom starts in early summer and often also a second flowering in autumn.
Fruits can simply be frozen, there is no taste difference compared to a fresh fruit.
After the fruit set and the harvest usually in the summer or late summer, the tree can be pruned back to keep its shape.
The fruits are ripe when they start to soften and the green skin starts to get brown spots.

This is also necessary in order not to make him grow too large, because he has to overwinter above the freezing point, comparable to the citrus tree, + 5ºC is ideal.
Is happy in a sunny place and the ground may be kept slightly damp. Give the plant organic fertilization such as cow manure grain.
Do not water in the winter. The zapote tree is also narrowly related to the citrusses.
Depending on the winter temperature, the Casimiroa edulis green leaves are preserved. Otherwise new leaf from April.
Winter hardiness zone 11 (+ 2ºC).

  • Article number: CASEDU01
  • Minimum temperature: +2ºC
  • Location: Sunny
  • Soil type: No special requirements
  • Water requirement: Light damp
  • Full ground:
  • Tub plant:
  • Flowering period: 5-6
  • Origin / habitat: South America, Mexico
  • Growth rate: Normal
  • Maximum plant height: 5-8 meters
Irini Efthymiou
Irini EfthymiouPosted on February 14, 2024 09:06

Super! I got a very strong and healthy tree! I'm very happy, thank you!

RalphPosted on October 4, 2023 16:19

Nu in het 2e jaar een zestal vruchten waarvan bijna afgerijpt!

Freek de Jong
Freek de JongPosted on December 17, 2022 12:58

Levering uitstekend, mooi boompje en uitstekend verpakt. Overgeplant maar leek een paar maanden in ruste te zijn, begon daarna nieuwe blaadjes te krijgen en zit nu barstensvol knoppen. Zal mij benieuwen hoeveel vruchten dat oplevert.

Voor de volledigheid, heb de boompjes meegenomen naar Malta.

Carla V.
Carla V.Posted on September 17, 2017 10:38

Vol groeidrift! Wacht gespannen en vol vertrouwen erop dat deze groeier ooit naast bloemetjes ook vruchten gaat geven!

martin mulder
martin mulderPosted on January 18, 2015 15:34

plant staat in bloei en draagt vrucht. We wachten op de rest.

Deze plant is groenblijvend in een vorstvrije kas. Ziet erg top uit.

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Eetbare tuin-edible garden Casimiroa edulis - White zapote
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  • In stock
  • Shipping in 2 to 4 business days